What a time!
So far, a total number of 15 teams and leaders of social enterprises have participated in the Program. These are valuable initiatives that combine a positive social impact, but are on different levels of development. This affects the way of individual support paths implementation within the Program.
At Business Unusual, we create a development plan for each project, although in addition to activities addressed to individual teams and people we help them to meet, and network them in order to create an opportunity to exchange experiences, establish cooperation and even
friendships 🙂
So far, we have carried out – in a group or individual form:
– diagnosis of all participants’ needs;
– several networking meetings;
– webinars on NGO funding and grant applications;
– thematic workshops on the design thinking method, fundraising, creating working groups;
– strategic development workshops;
– coaching and mentoring meetings;
– financial audits;
– several dozen hours of consultations – mainly on accounting, registration and running NGOs in Poland, obtaining financing, setting up a business;
– support in the area of creating a visual identity, promotional materials;
– websites development.
In addition, some of our participants took advantage of the opportunity to purchase additional equipment, membership in the Women’s Entrepreneurial Network [Sieć Przedsiębiorczych Kobiet], or subscribe to coworking space. The Program also includes training series “Young NGO Academy” [Akademia młodego NGO] and “Neighbourhood Academy” [Akademia Sąsiedzka].
In addition, the first study visit took place in June this year. Together with the participants of the Program, we visited Lublin, including the wonderful Homo Faber team and their new, multifunctional space – Baobab, where they implement a rich program addressed to the
local community, including mainly people with migration and refugee experience. We also met with the unusual “For the Earth” Association [Stowarzyszenie “Dla Ziemi”], which i.a., builds relationships between women from rural areas and with the experience of migration.
We were lucky enough to visit their suburban, green “settlement” and the charity shop “Rzeczy Drugie” [lit. The Second Things] in the center of Lublin.
Support for the projects from the first call continues, and on July 10 this year we open the second call!
We encourage you to check the rules of the Program and submit applications using the form available in the “Apply” tab [Zgłoś się].