NIEOBCY Foundation


The organisation operates in Żory and supports people with migration experience. NIEOBCY conducts, among others, Polish language classes, workshops for children, organises integration events and leads a music group Ukrainian Czornobrywci. 

Their mission is to build intercultural dialogue while respecting and cultivating their national traditions. In recent months, they have also engaged refugees from Ukraine to make camouflage nets for Ukrainian soldiers and sew underwear for wounded in hospitals.

The idea

“NIEOBCY” is almost like our own – the one, for whom Żory have become the second home, but still remains a bit different, yet curious and focused on intercultural dialogue. The community around the organisations created by people with migration experience who, as a result of various life experiences, have become (as they call themselves) “local patriots”. Now they want to make it easier for others to adapt in a new environment.

How does the Program support their actions?

The organisation works to ensure the sustainability of its ventures through development and strategic workshops, strengthening and expanding the competences of members and teams, and acquiring fundraising skills. Networking and financing the purchase of additional equipment are also important aspects.




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