Nomada Association


The association has been working for human rights since 2009. It works among migrant communities, ethnic and religious minorities, and excluded groups. It operates primarily in Wrocław, although it undertakes interventions in other cities. For years, they have been working for an equal and just society, promoting the idea of mutual solidarity.

Their assistance is mainly based on providing free counselling i.a., in the field of registering the stay and work in Poland, international protection and violence motivated by prejudice. The association’s team also works in the field assisting people at offices, schools, hospitals, courts, and police stations. They also support the education of children from the Roma migrant community from Romania, living in Wrocław, and work with people staying at the Guarded Centre for Foreigners in Krosno Odrzańskie.

They admit, the last year was one of the most difficult in the history of their Association due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Nomada was involved in helping from the very first days of a full-scale war, when  more people in need were coming to Poland every day. This situation resulted in the necessity to expand the team to include lawyers, consultants, cross-cultural integration assistants and translators. In 2022, they supported over 12,000 people in need. 

The idea

Their initiative called Sklep dla Sprawy  [Shop for the Cause] is a way to ensure stable financing of the association’s activities. They create and sell products that are created with care for the natural environment and respect for the work of the people who create them. They share profits from sales with creators and allocate them to support Nomada’s clients.

How does the Program support their actions?

Within the program, they receive primarily support related to the mechanism of running the store and use advice when creating a development plan and marketing strategy, as well as financial support when buying/creating new products.