Viktoria Savitskaja (Sava Ria)


Viktoriia Savytska, who lives in Tricity, supports and connects people with migrant and refugee experience using yoga, conscious work with the mind, body and breath by accompanying them on their way to inner peace and balance. She is also planning to include integrative yoga classes for blind and visually impaired people in her offer.

“My life motto is “Namaste” which means “Greetings, I see your inner light”, “the best in me welcomes the best in you “”, she says.

The idea

Viktoriia, who herself went through various, not always easy, stages of emigration, noticed that many people,mainly women with migration and refugee experience (especially Russian and Ukrainian speaking people), have limited opportunities to benefit from yoga classes and often fear participating in them (as they are not used to putting their own wellbeing as a priority). Among the reasons for all that are their language barrier and concerns about physical fitness and mental barriers, stemming from natural processes of undermining one’s self-worth in emigration.

She runs her own company and dreams to create a local place where women can feel good and at ease through integration with others, participating in meetings during classes and workshops, having tea and conversations, or reading together the philosophical literature that Viktoriia collects.

How do they benefit from BU Programme?

We support the initiative primarily in the area of setting up a company and running a business, as well as refining the social and business offer as well as the financial strategy.