Ukrainian Woman in Poland Foundation


The Foundation has been working since 2022 to integrate Ukrainian women and youth with Polish society. It supports – through education and classes with a psychologist –  the professional activation of migrant women in the area of running their own businesses in Poland. The aim of the organisation is to empower social security and integration by building local community. The Foundation cares about the legal integration of Ukrainians within the labor market and Polish society.

The idea

The founder, Julia Boguslavska came to Poland 10 years ago. The idea for the initiative came up when Julia started her business – a marketing agency. At the time, she planned to create a club of entrepreneurial women from Ukraine under the name “Ukrainka w Polsce” [Ukrainian Woman in Poland]. Yulia comes from Donbass, where has been an ongoing war since 2014. When the full-scale Russian aggression on Ukraine began, she decided to actively engage in social activities and support women from Ukraine staying in Poland in their personal and professional development. Firstly, the project was launched under the auspices of Fundacja Ukraina [Ukraine Foundation] with the support of “Hello Girls” grant program from Kulczyk Foundation.

How do they benefit from the BU Programme?

As part of the Programme, we finance, among others: services related to accounting, promotion, security, obtaining grants and financial strategy.