Foundation of International Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Free Dom


Free Dom is a foundation created by two psychologists who – due to the war – were forced to leave Ukraine and look for a safe place for themselves and their children in Poland. 

The Foundation addresses its activities mainly to women with migrant experience living in Toruń. It organises support groups for women and single mothers. It also helps young people to integrate within a new culture and environment. The dream of people working in the foundation is to create a Centre for Psychological Assistance and Development – a local place full of events for various social groups and non-governmental organisations, where every guest will be surrounded by respect, kindness, warmth and empathy.

The idea

The initiators of Free Dom came to Poland along with millions of people from Ukraine who fled the war. They noticed how many people need not only psychological help, but also meeting places that will connect them and support them in joint activities.

How do they benefit from BU Programme?

The Foundation receives institutional support within the Programme particularly in the fields of finance and accounting. We also work together on the communication strategy and the organization’s website. Together we reflect on the offer and scope of activities of the Centre and prepare its foundations.